A 28-session, small group experience in spiritual leadership development.

Spirituality--the depth of relationship with God, self, and others--is the core of Faith Leader, which grew out of the desire to help people within the local church grow as spiritual leaders. Through twenty-six weekly sessions and two retreats, Faith Leader participants discover authentic ways to engage in leadership in their congregations and in their communities.

The spiritual leaders you need are sitting in your pews.

Why Faith Leader?

Build spiritual leaders for the body of Christ.

Lay people doing ‘gifted and called’ ministry.

The stronger the lay ministry, the stronger the church

What are they saying?

  • Rev. Douglas Lofton

    We have used the Faith Leader material in two churches. All I can say is that it changes lives and it changes the churches where the students live out their ministry plans.

  • Rev. Helen Enari

    We now have leaders who are not afraid to talk about their faith, who are not afraid to lead, who are excited about ministry, and who are not afraid to speak of the transforming power of God in their lives, in the church and in the world.

  • Rev Dr. Donna Scott

    Here is a resource for a church committed to spiritual formation. This material grows from the contemplative stream of the Christian faith and includes all of Richard Foster’s streams. It moves beyond education of the faith to formation of the faith by focusing on the individual’s deep growth by experiencing the spiritual practices.

  • Rev. Clover Beal

    I just wanted to say Thank You for your ministry. I am a Presbyterian clergy who has just completed my 12th Faith Leader group. This program is fantastic and remains to be so! Lives are changed because of it. People are transformed and our community is being changed into one of deeper discipleship. Trust me, I am an evangelist for this program.

Meet the Author…

Rev. Beth Pattillo

Beth Pattillo is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) who has served churches in Missouri and Tennessee. Beth has also served as the Acting Dean of the Disciples Divinity House at Vanderbilt. She developed Faith Leader while an Associate Minister at Woodmont Christian Church in Nashville. For over twenty years, Faith Leader has guided participants to define, design and implement the ministries to which God is calling them.

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